Kleigha was diagnosed with stage II neuroblastoma on June 13, 2016. She is now stable and wants to raise money for other kids with cancer. Please consider donating to this great cause.
Recent Donations
Jo Marie Sellnerto Derrick Becker
Anonymousto Derrick Becker
Amy Grossto David Givan
Clayton & Adelle Woodto Kyla Guthmiller
Lucille Morlockto Kyla Guthmiller
Millicent Waldto Kyla Guthmiller
John Peckto Kyla Guthmiller
Cheryl Huber Mizellto Kyla Guthmiller
David Givanto David Givan
Christina Bondto Kyla Guthmiller
We love you Kleigha! You're an amazing young lady and a great ambassador! Keep on fighting!
Anonymousto Kyla Guthmiller
Strength and blessings always
Kelsey Roehrichto Kyla Guthmiller
Butch & Tamie Aberleto Dustin Guthmiller
Great job working to help kids with cancer!
Vanessa Millerto Kyla Guthmiller
Thank you for continuing to raise awareness!
Jen Glasserto Kyla Guthmiller
Brittney Kaiserto Kyla Guthmiller
Cathy Darbeto Kyla Guthmiller
I love your Family Brave the Shave!
Tonya Auckto Kyla Guthmiller
You go girl!
Corbin Bielefeldtto Derrick Becker
Hope all is well!
Dorothy Martinto Derrick Becker
Cindy Koprento Linda Hanson
WTG Kleigha! Looking forward to seeing pics of you shaving Kevin’s hair