Pansy’s Peeps

Campaign: 2023 Main Event

Goal $47,000
99% Funded
$46,561 Raised
564 Donations
Once again Pansy's Peeps will be coloring our heads over a week prior to the head shaving Main event at the YMCA. This is the eighth year that GLANCE SPA & SALON will be coloring my entire team. Everyone is touched by cancer through friends or family. Let's make this the best year ever and wipe out cancer. This year is in honor of PAUL. GO TO MY PAGE AND READ HIS STORY! Timothy Pansegrau

Recent Donations

Matt Manders to Codey Rule
Elizabeth Scheurer to Beckett Gunderson
Love the captain America hair!
Elizabeth Scheurer to Timothy Pansegrau
🍍 🍍 🍍
Reed Merkel to Timothy Pansegrau
Anonymous to Tracy Vearrier
Leann haahr
Kevin S to Peder Gulleson
Jenell Loftesnes
Anonymous to Timothy Pansegrau
1 Cor 15:54-58 NLT Then, when our dying bodies have been transformed into bodies that will never die, this Scripture will be fulfilled: “Death is swallowed up in victory. O death, where is your victory? O death, where is your sting? " For sin is the sting that results in death, and the law gives sin its power. But thank God! He gives us victory over sin and death through our Lord Jesus Christ. So, my dear brothers and sisters, be strong and immovable. Always work enthusiastically for the Lord…
Elijah Batista to Timothy Pansegrau
I was able to get to know Paul for only a short time, I met him almost a year before he was laid to rest, but during that time, I saw how he invited Jesus by his side, and clung to him like none other… Paul’s faith was not shaken, and I know he would not want anyone to doubt that, although it may seem that death won the victory God’s plan is so much greater, and in the end will reveal a far more beautiful plan then we can imagine! Trust God for I know Paul would want you to! 1 Cor 15: 54-58 NLT
Arlene & Neil Dornacker to Mike Eggl
Thank You!
Evelyn Hilt to Abigail (Abi) Barsness
Nick Leimer to Abigail (Abi) Barsness
Great job!!
Isaiah Germolus to Abigail (Abi) Barsness
Bill Sorensen to Mike Eggl
Rhonda Krueger to Jeff Cave
Rhonda Krueger to Doug Edwards
Rhonda Krueger to Timothy Pansegrau
Kari Lutz to Jim OBrien
Jerry - Cash to Spencer Redding
Relax A Little Peeps to Spencer Redding
Ross Dettmann to Peder Gulleson
Greg Cave to Jeff Cave
Anonymous to Kia Kuhn
Mike Remboldt to Jeff Cave
Cheryl Jangula to Jett Wald
Brian Wangler to Jim OBrien
Anonymous to Jim OBrien
Danielle Hohbein to Jeff Cave
Carla Borlaug to Doug Edwards
Jeff Cave to Don Walter
Another sexy bald guy!
John Battista III to Timothy Pansegrau
Norm Lindstrom to Jim OBrien
Got get ‘em Jim.
James Meyer to Jett Wald
Lynette Nieuwsma to Peder Gulleson
Lynda Battista to Timothy Pansegrau
Glance Spa and Salon to Timothy Pansegrau
Thank you for all you do and for letting us be a part of it! ❤️
Jan Levora to DJ Hatlestad
Anonymous to Nathan Bro
Dixie Bosch to Abigail (Abi) Barsness
Julie Bosch to DJ Hatlestad
Thanks for doing this!
Kevin Malmedal to Nikki Malmedal
Patricia Battista to Timothy Pansegrau
Ren & Jake McGuire to Tracy Vearrier
Straight out of our piggy banks. We hate cancer.
Kristen Headrick to Timothy Pansegrau
Dan Heitzman to LARRY NIETERS
Anonymous to DJ Hatlestad
Ross Wilmes to Abigail (Abi) Barsness
Leslie Nesvig to DJ Hatlestad
OMGOsh Thank goodness! 😂
Garett McCabe to LARRY NIETERS
Matthew Graves to Matthew Graves
Michael Aberle to Jim OBrien
Sam, Kelsee & Sloane Wagner to Jeffrey Vance
Basaraba Jackie/Bruce to Jeffrey Vance
Cheryl Page to DJ Hatlestad
Anonymous to Adam Berglund
You go dude
Rod Skytland to DJ Hatlestad
Thanks for doing this DJ! Send me a before and after pic!!!
John Braaten to DJ Hatlestad
Shelly Chadwick to Dennis Budeau
Way to go Dennis! Love this!
Clark Crawford to Jim OBrien
Gretchen Cash to Mike Eggl
Jon&keri Ahneman to Jim OBrien
larry nieters to Timothy Pansegrau
Terry O’Brien to Jim OBrien
Garett McCabe to Jim OBrien
Michelle Budeau to Jett Wald
We are so proud of you buddy! Love you lots!
Wendy Elseth to Kelly Kohler
Proud of you, Kelly!! Great cause!
Dustin Masset to Jim OBrien
Good work buddy!
Brian Wangler to Jim OBrien
Amanda Haux to CHERYL AKER
Nick Battista to Timothy Pansegrau
Erica Kissack to CHERYL AKER
Janet Julson to Timothy Pansegrau
John Westbee to Doug Berglund
Bishop Craig & Wendy Schweitzer to Timothy Pansegrau
Bishop Craig & Wendy Schweitzer to Peder Gulleson
Jodie St A’s to Jim OBrien
Ariel Bibb to Nathan Bro
Ariel Bibb to Jeff Cave
Ariel Bibb to Don Walter
Korena Geiger to Troy Balzer
Great job Troy!!!
Tracey Pruess to Kia Kuhn
Carrie and Bryan Teske to Don Walter
You are amazing! It is such a wonderful thing you are doing! Kaia has a friend who is a little fighter.
Raumi Kudrna to Jim OBrien
Way to go! St. Alexius proud!!
Mark & Janell Anderson to Don Walter
Way to go, Don!
Tracey Pruess to Doug Edwards
Awesome job again this year Doug!
Anonymous to Jeffrey Vance
Trinity Texas Roadhouse to Jim OBrien
Ariel Bibb to Jim OBrien
Andrew Swenson to DJ Hatlestad
Brandon Benz to Dennis Budeau
Jennifer Raum to DJ Hatlestad
Pink is definitely your color!
Molly Buzakovic to Jim OBrien
Vickie Schumacher to Timothy Pansegrau
You are so right Dr. Pensegrau. Paul was brave and strong. I was able to be around him and his family when he did have many surgeries and saw his strength. He always had a project gping. Weather it was building computers, rebuilding old cars and motors or his latest gun project. He took it very serious and it showed. One thing that was also important to him was that he was able to go to Alaska and spend some time with his cousin. The Lord gave him that chance right before his passing. Thank You
Rita Keegan to Timothy Pansegrau
This is such a great way to support these kids and their families. I will submit the match to Thrivent for a total of $500 in honor and memory of my husband Dan.
Cedric Theel Toyota to Jim OBrien
Steven Kraljic to Jim OBrien
Lunette and Todd Sando to Peder Gulleson
Love your new look Peder! Thank you for raising money for the kids!
Todd Hartleben to DJ Hatlestad
Peggy Morris to Abigail (Abi) Barsness
You’re an amazing girl Abi and very dedicated to this wonderful causes!
Kilea Mann to Jim OBrien
This is AWESOME!!
Hal Peterson to Timothy Pansegrau
Thank you Tim for your dedication to Brave the Shave!
Anonymous to DJ Hatlestad
Friends and Family to Kelly Kohler
Mary Richman to Kelly Kohler
Rick Marschner to Abigail (Abi) Barsness
Mary Richman to Kelly Kohler
Kim Thomas to CHERYL AKER
Anonymous to Jim Martin
Nancy Johnson to Don Walter
Kurt Snyder to DJ Hatlestad
Love the hair! Hard decision but cause is worth it
Ryan and Lauren Dunnigan to Matthew Graves
Josh Wiens to DJ Hatlestad
Fae Glass to Beckett Gunderson
Super duper proud Mr. Beckett! Have an awesome day tomorrow! God bless!
Amy Rader to Jim OBrien
Ivar & Melissa Frantsen to Doug Edwards
She is smiling at you....Thanks !
Anonymous to Mike Eggl
Jerry Hatlestad to DJ Hatlestad
Way to go DJ. Can't wait to see the end result. Love you, mom and dad
James & Doris Wald to Dennis Budeau
Love the hair! Thanks for making a difference.
Lila Penner to Jett Wald
Thank you Jetty, you are doing a good thing for good cause 💙
Reed Reyman to Jim OBrien
Good luck
Larry Nieters to LARRY NIETERS
Cindy Thompson to Abigail (Abi) Barsness
Don Davidson to Doug Edwards
Tully Bulldog Braaten to Don Walter
We’re all gonna miss that sweet ‘do when it’s gone! Go Don!
Bonnie Lahr to Don Walter
Emmett Bulldog Braaten to Jeffrey Vance
Go Jeff!
Anonymous to LARRY NIETERS
Jen Pruess to Tracey Pruess
Anonymous to DJ Hatlestad
Bob and Neva Kordonowy to Peder Gulleson
Tim Bopp to Jim OBrien
Nikki Schauer to Jim OBrien
Way to go Jim!
Greg & Becky Edwards to Doug Edwards
Brian Richard to Don Walter
Ashlee Bonagofsky to Kia Kuhn
Jason & Patty Davidson to Doug Edwards
Ken Rutter to Mike Eggl
Jeremy Barth to Don Walter
Jeremy Barth to Doug Edwards
Anonymous to Tracey Pruess
Hope this helps. Your so awesome friend!
Carol Cornelius to Doug Edwards
Barb Heim to Doug Edwards
Jodi & Mike Aubol to Doug Edwards
lynn wentz to Troy Balzer
Anonymous to Jeffrey Vance
Atta boy Jeff!
Michelle Lingle to Don Walter
Lisa Ham to Abigail (Abi) Barsness
Terri Anderson to Peder Gulleson
Thank you for volunteering!
Whitney Benter to Doug Edwards
You got this Bugbee !!!
Sonya Hansana to Doug Edwards
Thanks for doing this again, Doug!
Blanchard Family to DJ Hatlestad
Brook & Courtney Maier to Jim OBrien
Pat Giese to Don Walter
Thank You for doing This!!
Anonymous to Jim OBrien
Bree Walth to Jett Wald
Proud of you Jetty!!
Anonymous to Don Walter
Doug Edwards to Tracey Pruess
Doug Edwards to Nikki Malmedal
Doug Edwards to Kia Kuhn
Thanks Kia 🙂
jim lennington to Don Morrison
JP Holmes to Don Morrison
Danielle Smith to Jett Wald
Great job jetty!! We are so proud of you
Anonymous to Jeffrey Vance
Way to go Jeff-what a great cause!
Tami & Kimber Flemmer to Timothy Pansegrau
Thank you, Dr. Pansegrau for taking such good care of our nephew, Paul. He was special, even though his life was cut way too short. Now we just wait to meet him again soon!!
jo vilhauer to LARRY NIETERS
Doug and Barb Berglund to Adam Berglund
Chad Carlson to Jim OBrien
Nice work.
Stephanie Torgerson to Kia Kuhn
Nice job Kia
Troy Pierce to Jim OBrien
Brian and De Bergeson to Mike Eggl
Kristen Renner to Jim OBrien
Your number one fan!❤️
Kia Kuhn to Kia Kuhn
Keith and Heidi Horner to Jim OBrien
Emily Bigger to Jim OBrien
Lilly The dog to Jim OBrien
Can’t wait for you to come home without the weird hair. It scares me.
Anonymous to Jim OBrien
Steve Foster to Dennis Budeau
Vicki Schmidt to Doug Edwards
Anonymous to Spencer Redding
Hey, neighbor, I’m anxious to eye the results!
Jay & Heather Bauer to Jim OBrien
Jen Weekes to Jett Wald
Judy Bowers to Jim OBrien
Alexander Huber to Ben Suchy
J'Patrick Fahn to Jim OBrien
This donation requires that you keep the pink hair and lightning bolts!
LaRissa McDaniel to Matthew Graves
"Because that's what heroes do."
Amber Joyce to Dennis Budeau
Amber Joyce to Jett Wald
Proud of you Jett!!
Larry Fuller to Peder Gulleson
Mike & Amy Gross to Mike Eggl
Thanks for all you do for children and their families, Mike!
Kris Todd-Reisnour to Don Walter
Shane Splonskowski to Jim OBrien
Lori Gustafson to Kelly Kohler
Debbie Rule to Codey Rule
Way to go Codey!
Anonymous to Jim OBrien
Shayna Griffiths to Jim OBrien
Marie Brown to Jim OBrien
Desiree Krueger to Jett Wald
Awesome job buddy! 💙
Tess BWW to Jim OBrien
Jenna Houge to Nathan Bro
Jenna Houge to Jeff Cave
Jenna Houge to Jeffrey Vance
Anthony and Katie Johnson to DJ Hatlestad
Lance Gaebe to Peder Gulleson
Lance Gaebe to Abigail (Abi) Barsness
Lori Lee to Spencer Redding
Yay for you Spencer, and all the others who braved the shave❣️
Kari Lyon to Abigail (Abi) Barsness
Great job at stepping up!
Anonymous to DJ Hatlestad
Anonymous to Dennis Budeau
Amber Steiner to DJ Hatlestad
Brady Ness to Jim OBrien
Chuck & Karen D;''''';;;;;;;;;;ahl to Jim OBrien
Sara Bashus to DJ Hatlestad
Allen Shafer to LARRY NIETERS
Anonymous to Jim OBrien
Brianna Fleck to Jim OBrien
Jeff Sparrow to Jim OBrien
That a boy!!
Dave Krabbenhoft to Dennis Budeau
Beer and Hymns Group 2023 to Peder Gulleson
Anonymous to Jim OBrien
Evan & Sawyer Senst to Jim OBrien
Gretchen Masset to Jim OBrien
Lisa Murry to Timothy Pansegrau
Kelly Suchy to Ben Suchy
I sure love your heart for helping others!
Kyle Hurt to Jim OBrien
Sarah Meusburger to Tracy Vearrier
Benjamin Larson to Jim OBrien
Coach Andy to Matthew Graves
So cool that you do this Matt!! Truly an inspiration, keep crushing it
Jodey Houn to Jim OBrien
Gene Griffin to Mike Eggl
Thomas Dickson to Jim OBrien
Jamie Wicks to Clint Bergstrom
Ben Imdieke to Jim OBrien
Go get em
Debbie Bachmeier to Doug Edwards
Thanks Doug for supporting a great cause!
Reza Kamranian to Ben Suchy
Mike & Helen Risan to Mike Eggl
Cory Knutson to Jim OBrien
Melanie Carvell to DJ Hatlestad
Thanks for raising money for this great cause!
Kevin Dykema to Jim OBrien
Christian Helgeson to Peder Gulleson
Paul Wilson to Ben Suchy
Sorry this took so long. Tardiness and procrastination is one of my worst but most used traits. Shave it Ben!
Michael and Blair Lindsey to Jim OBrien
Deb Cave to Jeff Cave
William Hineman to Doug Berglund
Thanks Doug
Wiliam Hineman to Adam Berglund
You the Man👍🏻
Donna Becker to Mike Eggl
Candace Miller to Dennis Budeau
Kudos to you Dennis!
Vicky :) to Jim OBrien
Justin Vinje to Jim OBrien
Don Walter to Jeff Cave
Looking good Jeff!
Don Walter to Nathan Bro
Looking great Nate!
Don Walter to Doug Edwards
Looking great Doug
Don Walter to Matthew Graves
Thanks Matthew!
Suzanne Witkowski to Kelly Kohler
Don Walter to Jeffrey Vance
Thanks Jeff
Jon Arenz to Dennis Budeau
From a former Brave the Shave family, thank you!
Paul Engelhard to Jim OBrien
Niles Hushka to Mike Eggl
Ron Rebenitsch to Mike Eggl
Jessica Meier to Jeff Cave
Mary Seidel to Nikki Malmedal
Ron and Linda Hamers to Nikki Malmedal
Joe Binegar to Mike Eggl
Dave Draovitch to DJ Hatlestad
Robert Hamers to Nikki Malmedal
Jessica Meier to Nikki Malmedal
Bob Norland to LARRY NIETERS
Brandy Urlacher to Nikki Malmedal
Austin Carson to Tom Reuer
Nancy Harris to Dennis Budeau
Kory Hammerbeck to Mike Eggl
Nicole DeKrey to Mike Eggl
heidi heitkamp to Mike Eggl
Keep up the great work, Mike and everyone
Eric Washburn to Mike Eggl
Wally and Cyndi Goulet to Mike Eggl
Dewey & Wanda Oster to Jim OBrien
Jessica Faydo to Dillon Flurer
David Reich to DJ Hatlestad
Barbara Murry to Peder Gulleson
KentAnnette Loken to DJ Hatlestad
DJ You may have to wear a name tag so we know who you are!! Great cause. Way to go!
Dewey Schlittenhard to Dewey Schlittenhard
Scott and Kristie Becker to Mike Eggl
Jay Erickson to Tracy Vearrier
Looking good Tracy!
Doyle Roeder to DJ Hatlestad
Awesome can’t wait to see the shave
troy russon to Jeff Cave
Go Jeff!
troy russon to Don Walter
Way to go Don! Looks ... nice!
troy russon to Timothy Pansegrau
way to go Tim!
Dean & Tara Haberlock to Timothy Pansegrau
Bruce Birkeland to Peder Gulleson
James Ryan to Timothy Pansegrau
Blair & Doreen Bechtle to Timothy Pansegrau
In memory of Paul and all of the others who are fighting the fight.
Duane & Marjo Brenneise to Jim OBrien
Boni Lenihan to Kelly Kohler
Linnae Brew to Peder Gulleson
David Strauss to DJ Hatlestad
Lynn Hunter to Jett Wald
Dave & Kathy Kleppe to Peder Gulleson
Travis & Tricia Henke to DJ Hatlestad
Kevin Duffy to Abigail (Abi) Barsness
Way to Go Abi - My Daughter Just Donated 13" for a great cause as well.
Stephanie Torgerson to Matthew Graves
Stephanie Torgerson to Doug Edwards
Stephanie Torgerson to Nikki Malmedal
Aunt Kathy to Abigail (Abi) Barsness
I'm super proud of you, Abi!!
Zach and Abby Meyer to Matthew Graves
Dustin Kulseth to Timothy Pansegrau
Anonymous to jocelyn gienger
Lynn Wicks to Clint Bergstrom
Anonymous to Dillon Flurer
Melissa Lysne to Abigail (Abi) Barsness
Way to go Abi, love the colorful hair!!!
Kellie Erhardt to Peder Gulleson
Anonymous to Jett Wald
Great job Jett!
McKayla Kahler to Abigail (Abi) Barsness
chuck gullicks to Peder Gulleson
Tracy Voegele to Adam Berglund
Thanks for being part of this wonderful cause!
Scott Teitelbaum to DJ Hatlestad
Heidi Engel to Jett Wald
John & Cathy VanMiddlesworth to Timothy Pansegrau
Eric Kempel to Timothy Pansegrau
Norma Caudle to Jett Wald
Marsha Smith to Jett Wald
So proud of you Jett. You make my heart happy.
Kevin Marschner to Abigail (Abi) Barsness
Meidinger Family to Peder Gulleson
Anonymous to Dennis Budeau
Melissa & Cameron Cook to Jett Wald
Way to go Jett! You’re an amazing and kind young man!
Sheri Buntrock to Jett Wald
Marla Stegman to Jett Wald
Megan Kessler to Matthew Graves
James Wedell to Jett Wald
This is a great cause. Keep up the good work, Jett!
Christie Moszer to Jett Wald
James & Doris Wald to Jett Wald
Jett - grma & grpa are very proud of you for helping kids with cancer. You are blessed with a good heart and soul. We love you buddy.
Kim Fausset to CHERYL AKER
Thank You Cheryl
Jen Bonogofsky to Nikki Malmedal
Amazing! Thank you for supporting to kids!
Reid Trisko to Doug Edwards
Looking good Dougy!
Kim Gross to Dennis Budeau
Kim Gross to Jett Wald
Mary Vinje-Shenk to Jim OBrien
Mary Riedy Hickerson to Dillon Flurer
Brenda Davenport-Budeau to Jett Wald
You are Awesome Jetty! We are proud of you kiddo.
Brenda Davenport-Budeau to Dennis Budeau
Looking good. Thank you for doing this!
Kim Ledger to Timothy Pansegrau
Kim Ledger to Peder Gulleson
Kim Ledger to Nikki Malmedal
Anonymous to Nikki Malmedal
What a great thing you are doing!
Kim Ledger to Doug Edwards
Quam Family to DJ Hatlestad
Love this! One of my favorite times of year 💪💙
Anonymous to DJ Hatlestad
Emily Carson to Tom Reuer
Cindy Thompson to Nikki Malmedal
Bonnie Budeau to Dennis Budeau
Bonnie Budeau to Jett Wald
Josh Riedy to Dillon Flurer
Happy to support the cause!
Drew Flurer to Dillon Flurer
Ryan Braun to Ben Suchy
Debra Weeks to LARRY NIETERS
David Suko to Dennis Budeau
Jean Riedy to Dillon Flurer
Carol Petersen to Dillon Flurer
Jamie Hawk to Matthew Graves
Nicole Renner to Dillon Flurer
Tom Peterson to DJ Hatlestad
Thanks for doing this. Looking forward to seeing you at the lake this summer. Tom and Cindy
Jamie Hawk to Doug Edwards
Jamie Hawk to Jeff Cave
Amanda Dahl to DJ Hatlestad
I think you should keep the color into this summer too!
Jodi Wos to Adam Berglund
Thank you Adam!!
Jim and Sharon Hardwick to Abigail (Abi) Barsness
Incredible gesture and selfless gift, Abi! Great job!
Anonymous to Don Walter
Looks good! It’s a shame you get to cut it off so soon.
Lana & Marlin Moser to Abigail (Abi) Barsness
Great fundraiser to be a part of Abi!!
Anonymous to Timothy Pansegrau
Such a great cause! Thanks for leading a team every year!!
Carmen Dargis to Doug Edwards
Pula & Nala Pugs Suchy Dopson to Ben Suchy
Robin Bowlinger to Doug Edwards
Ryan Messer to DJ Hatlestad
Richard Ruud to Abigail (Abi) Barsness
Tracy Carson to Tom Reuer
Tim Reuer to Tom Reuer
Carmen Dargis to Don Walter
Duck Hunter to Don Walter
Mallard Duck look didn’t turn out so we gotta solve the problem.
Miles & Jolene Cahoon to Don Walter
Cassie Busch to CHERYL AKER
Anonymous to Don Walter
Nelson Dale & Sheila to LARRY NIETERS
Dave Walter to Don Walter
Nice hair bro!!
Kathy Suchy Richards to Ben Suchy
Thank you for doing this to help others.
Fettig Family to Peder Gulleson
Thanks for all you do at church!
Sherry Fettig to Timothy Pansegrau
In memory of my mom that we lost to cancer last year. She fought for a long time and we miss her.
Avis Frantsen to Doug Edwards
Looking good Doug and for a very good cause!
Jon Lasater to Don Walter
Good job Don! Thank you
Andrew and Melissa Hetland to Jim OBrien
Scott and Tammy Bulman to Tom Reuer
Tiffany Stoltz to Don Walter
Doug & Patty Edwards to Doug Edwards
Thanks for supporting this great cause!!
Bailee Bulman to Tom Reuer
Kari Zottnick to Matthew Graves
Jay Dollinger to Don Walter
Anonymous to Don Walter
Green is definitely your color, Don!! ;)
Jo Weisbeck to CHERYL AKER
Alanda Small to Timothy Pansegrau
Candace Miller to Jett Wald
Thank you for doing this Jetty...I'm proud of you!
Jamie Hawk to Nikki Malmedal
Jamie Hawk to Nathan Bro
Jamie Hawk to Jeffrey Vance
Jamie Hawk to Don Walter
Beth Ripplinger to Jett Wald
What an Awesome gift Jett !!!
Brandt Wolf to Ben Suchy
Jessica Burkett to Tom Reuer
Anonymous to DJ Hatlestad
Doug Remboldt to Jeff Cave
Anonymous to Jeff Cave
Anonymous to Ben Suchy
Anonymous to Jeff Cave
Cherry Honrath to Tom Reuer
Jessica Meier to Don Walter
Tammy Reinhardt to Kelly Kohler
Jeff Cave to Jeff Cave
Anonymous to Timothy Pansegrau
love the color!
Steve McGregor to Timothy Pansegrau
nice hair!
Jessie Wright to Jett Wald
What an awesome thing to do, Jett!
Sherry Kleingartner to Dennis Budeau
Way to go Dennis!
Jessica Meier to Tracey Pruess
Jessica Meier to Doug Edwards
Jessica Meier to Matthew Graves
Tayte Bender to Jett Wald
BranDee Leier to Beckett Gunderson
Jeffery Forbes to Ben Suchy
Lalala 🦁💜
mindy becker to Jett Wald
Awesome job Jett
Brekka Schultz to Jett Wald
Lori Graves to Matthew Graves
Barb Karwowski to CHERYL AKER
Rides Auto Sales to Jett Wald
Anonymous to Doug Edwards
Thank you, Doug, for helping to advance such a worthy cause.
Anonymous to CHERYL AKER
Nedra Bergquist to CHERYL AKER
Purple is your color🙂. You are awesome❤️!
Laura Kraft to Matthew Graves
Anonymous to Dennis Budeau
Shannon Auch to CHERYL AKER
You are awesome, Cheryl! We need more people out there like you!
Jaylah and Crew Chewakin to Jett Wald
Proud of you Jett!
Alicia Ohlhauser to Beckett Gunderson
Way to go Beckett!
Selena Van Hout to Tracy Vearrier
Thank you Tracy for continuing to support this awesome cause! You’re awesome!
Missy Hasselstrom to Ben Suchy
Stefanie Wald to Jett Wald
Auntie is so proud of you Jetty!
Benjamin Fliginger to Jim OBrien
Doug and Kari Edwards to Doug Edwards
Elizabeth Nelson to Doug Edwards
This is a good look for you, Doug. 😘
Kate Beehler to Tracey Pruess
Amy Wilhelm to Abigail (Abi) Barsness
Amy Wilhelm to Doug Edwards
Dana Schoo to Abigail (Abi) Barsness
Great fundraiser to be involved in Abi!!
Danny Gunderson to Beckett Gunderson
ANN Long to Tracy Vearrier
Mark Anderson to Abigail (Abi) Barsness
Thank you for participating in Brave the Shave! It’s a great cause.
Candice Crichlow to Tracy Vearrier
Darcy Ehli to Tracy Vearrier
Jennifer Jablonski to Tom Reuer
Cool Hair to Peder Gulleson
Anybody with guts to walk around with this hair color deserves $$$!! Go get ‘em Peder!
Travis Joritz to Jim OBrien
Well done Jim!
Anonymous to Abigail (Abi) Barsness
Nancy Henke to DJ Hatlestad
Alan Stieg to Don Walter
Vicky Barsness to Abigail (Abi) Barsness
So proud of you Abi!!
Mischa Vernlund to Nikki Malmedal
Fehr Family to Peder Gulleson
Anonymous to DJ Hatlestad
Stephanie Torgerson to Tracey Pruess
Kristin Meidinger to DJ Hatlestad
Woohoo!! Very cool you are doing this!!
Justin Reisenauer to DJ Hatlestad
Good luck! Looking forward to the colored hair! Thanks for supporting a great cause.
Mark Detwiller to DJ Hatlestad
Mark Detwiller to Dillon Flurer
Elaine Balzer to Troy Balzer
My son is awesome for doing this.
Berg Family to Peder Gulleson
Mike and Erin Keller to Don Walter
Can’t wait to see the hairdo!!
Chelsey Schneider to Timothy Pansegrau
Anonymous to Peder Gulleson
David Riedy to Dillon Flurer
Pennie Hatlestad to DJ Hatlestad
Tom & Yvonne Kandt to Jett Wald
Way too go Jett, we love your willingness to help other children!!
Zach and Ashley Hoerner to Jim OBrien
Jody Schumacher to Timothy Pansegrau
I miss Paul beyond what words can describe… the pain and suffering that sin causes affects all of us in one way or another, one of the cruelest is how it can slowly take the health and life away from loved ones. I’m grateful that God has promised that in the end good will triumph over evil and with Christ there is no death. I am grateful for the opportunity to give back and help other families who have loved ones experiencing cancer. Thank you Dr. Pansegrau for all you did for Paul and others
Anonymous to Kylie Baxter
Randy Smid to Randy Smid
Anonymous to Jim OBrien
Good Luck!
Darla Bakko to Jett Wald
Proud of you Jett.
Beckham Goetz to Jett Wald
Penny Wilson to Ben Suchy
Spencer Redding to Don Morrison
Thanks for joining the team!!!
Spencer Redding to Tracy Vearrier
Moptastic Extravaganzic Hairy Conickic
Linda Suchy to Ben Suchy
Tina Kenninger to Beckett Gunderson
Anonymous to Tracy Vearrier
Joel and Karen Vance to Jeffrey Vance
You are such an asset to your department…. Thanks for all you do… day in and day out!! We are so very proud of you!!!
Sandy Fleck to Tracey Pruess
Eleno Vallejo to Spencer Redding
I’m keeping my hair this year (what is left) and I am also keeping Tim’s five spot! Let’s go Peeps! Good work ya all
Valerie/Allan Thoennes to Don Walter
Thank you Don!
Cindy Thompson to Timothy Pansegrau
Cindy Thompson to Doug Edwards
Cindy Thompson to Doug Berglund
Cindy Thompson to Tracey Pruess
Ross Lagasse to Ben Suchy
Reza Kamranian to Spencer Redding
Julie Barth to Ben Suchy
What a good cause!!
Brittany Fleck to Tracey Pruess
Nicholas Bradbury to Ben Suchy
Thanks for the enthusiasm!
Emily Yanish to Ben Suchy
Renae Kistler to Tracey Pruess
Kristin Hill to Ben Suchy
Anonymous to Don Walter
It’s so great what your doing Don! Good Luck!
Sherry L Kleingartner to Jett Wald
So proud of you Jetty!
Zachary and Chelsea Flurer to Dillon Flurer
Let’s chop up that salad!
Anonymous to Don Walter
Good luck to your team!!
Robert Flurer to Dillon Flurer
amy waelhof to CHERYL AKER
you go girl
Alecia Fedorenko to Spencer Redding
Yvonne Kahler to Timothy Pansegrau
Paul was my nephew!❣️What a sweet guy! What a fighter to the end! What an example on how to never give up! What a follower of Jesus! Soon and very soon I plan to meet Paul again with a new perfect body! 😊
Kara Richards to CHERYL AKER
You're the best!
Anonymous to Don Walter
Great cause Don! Thanks for making a difference!
Brad/Cammy Erickson to Jeffrey Vance
Thanks for all you do!!
Tara Huss-redding to Spencer Redding
Barb Voegele to CHERYL AKER
Thank you Cheryl!!! For all the beautiful children and their families out there battling cancer
Michele Paul to CHERYL AKER
Thanks for participating all these years Cheryl! ☺️
Kirk Dewey to Ben Suchy
Spencer Redding to Spencer Redding
This feels good.
Spencer Redding to Ben Suchy
See you soon brother.
Spencer Redding to Timothy Pansegrau
Thank you for putting this together every year. It's an honor to help again this year!
Anonymous to Spencer Redding
Beth Lipp to Ben Suchy
Stephen Murray to Ben Suchy
Kate Hanlon to Ben Suchy
Nolyn Falcon to Ben Suchy
Ben Suchy to Ben Suchy
Let’s get this party started!
Judy & Dale Nabben to Timothy Pansegrau
In appreciation for you and all the Sanford staff
Sheila Suess to Doug Edwards
Paul Nelson to Timothy Pansegrau
Thanks for friendship and support of these kids for so many years
Taylor Lee to Timothy Pansegrau
Albert, Coreen & family Schumacher to Timothy Pansegrau
We treasure every fun, sweet memory of you as a tiny tot, a curious, inquisitive little boy, a rambunctious, entrepreneur teen, and as a brave, kind, compassionate, caring young man!!! We miss you like crazy!!! But have the blessed hope that we’ll see you again and will have eternity to love on you!!! Praying that this small token of our love will make a difference to some cancer stricken family. ❤️😊🙏🏼😔 Love to all families being devastated by cancer, Albert, Coreen, Tabitha, Mindy, Jody, J
Albert & Coreen Schumacher to Timothy Pansegrau
We miss you so much Paul!! Jesus is coming very soon, we and your sisters are sooooo looking forward to that grand reunion day when the clouds will roll back and Jesus will descend from heaven with His angels and the graves will be opened!!! What a day that will be!! What a blessing it was to have you as our precious son for 23 1/2 years!! ❤️👍🏼🙏🏼😊
John & Deb Merkel to Timothy Pansegrau
In honor of Paul who is missed greatly and was a special young man. Thank you for being such a great friend to Paul and his family. Friends of the Schumacher's. John & Deb
JB & Lisa Budeau to Jett Wald
Kristy Murphy to Jett Wald
Shelly Chadwick to Jett Wald
So proud of you buddy! Love you!!!
Angie Thomas to Jett Wald
Fahoodled car dinner Lehr to Timothy Pansegrau
Awesome, Paul would be proud to see his legacy won this town, Lehr
Matt Nelson to Tom Reuer
Go get em Tommy!
Fahoodled car Dinner Lehr to Timothy Pansegrau
What great event!❤️❤️🙏🙏
Shana Williams to Jim OBrien
Doug Renton to Timothy Pansegrau
Connie Lerew to Kelly Kohler
Carter Korkowski to Troy Balzer
You’re the best papa!
Elliot Korkowski to Troy Balzer
Love you papa!
Corey Hintz to Jim OBrien
Mitch and Kate Vig to Jim OBrien
Kerry Schafer to Jim OBrien
Good luck Jim!!
Kerry Oberlander to Jim OBrien
Ryan Kopseng to Jim OBrien
Jewel Tenneson to Jim OBrien
Love this, Jim….Good luck!
Thomas OBrien to Jim OBrien
Sara Wiedrich to Jim OBrien
Stephanie Kopseng to Jim OBrien
Kathy O'Brien to Jim OBrien
Great job!
Karen OBrien to Jim OBrien
Good luck!!!
Bridget Welch to Troy Balzer
John Giese to Timothy Pansegrau
Angela Ross to Troy Balzer
I totally admire you doing this every year!!
Niles Hushka to Mike Eggl
Good Luck Mike
Anonymous to Doug Berglund
Timothy Pansegrau to Timothy Pansegrau
Paul you were an inspiration to all who know you. I MISS YOU! We will meet again and take my dogs hunting.

Recent Donations

Matt Manders to Codey Rule
Elizabeth Scheurer to Beckett Gunderson
Love the captain America hair!
Elizabeth Scheurer to Timothy Pansegrau
🍍 🍍 🍍
Reed Merkel to Timothy Pansegrau
Anonymous to Tracy Vearrier
Leann haahr
Kevin S to Peder Gulleson
Jenell Loftesnes
Anonymous to Timothy Pansegrau
1 Cor 15:54-58 NLT Then, when our dying bodies have been transformed into bodies that will never die, this Scripture will be fulfilled: “Death is swallowed up in victory. O death, where is your victory? O death, where is your sting? " For sin is the sting that results in death, and the law gives sin its power. But thank God! He gives us victory over sin and death through our Lord Jesus Christ. So, my dear brothers and sisters, be strong and immovable. Always work enthusiastically for the Lord…
Elijah Batista to Timothy Pansegrau
I was able to get to know Paul for only a short time, I met him almost a year before he was laid to rest, but during that time, I saw how he invited Jesus by his side, and clung to him like none other… Paul’s faith was not shaken, and I know he would not want anyone to doubt that, although it may seem that death won the victory God’s plan is so much greater, and in the end will reveal a far more beautiful plan then we can imagine! Trust God for I know Paul would want you to! 1 Cor 15: 54-58 NLT
Arlene & Neil Dornacker to Mike Eggl
Thank You!
Evelyn Hilt to Abigail (Abi) Barsness
Nick Leimer to Abigail (Abi) Barsness
Great job!!
Isaiah Germolus to Abigail (Abi) Barsness
Bill Sorensen to Mike Eggl
Rhonda Krueger to Jeff Cave
Rhonda Krueger to Doug Edwards
Rhonda Krueger to Timothy Pansegrau
Kari Lutz to Jim OBrien
Jerry - Cash to Spencer Redding
Relax A Little Peeps to Spencer Redding
Ross Dettmann to Peder Gulleson
Greg Cave to Jeff Cave
Anonymous to Kia Kuhn
Mike Remboldt to Jeff Cave
Cheryl Jangula to Jett Wald
Brian Wangler to Jim OBrien
Anonymous to Jim OBrien
Danielle Hohbein to Jeff Cave
Carla Borlaug to Doug Edwards
Jeff Cave to Don Walter
Another sexy bald guy!
John Battista III to Timothy Pansegrau
Norm Lindstrom to Jim OBrien
Got get ‘em Jim.
James Meyer to Jett Wald
Lynette Nieuwsma to Peder Gulleson
Lynda Battista to Timothy Pansegrau
Glance Spa and Salon to Timothy Pansegrau
Thank you for all you do and for letting us be a part of it! ❤️
Jan Levora to DJ Hatlestad
Anonymous to Nathan Bro
Dixie Bosch to Abigail (Abi) Barsness
Julie Bosch to DJ Hatlestad
Thanks for doing this!
Kevin Malmedal to Nikki Malmedal
Patricia Battista to Timothy Pansegrau
Ren & Jake McGuire to Tracy Vearrier
Straight out of our piggy banks. We hate cancer.
Kristen Headrick to Timothy Pansegrau
Dan Heitzman to LARRY NIETERS
Anonymous to DJ Hatlestad
Ross Wilmes to Abigail (Abi) Barsness
Leslie Nesvig to DJ Hatlestad
OMGOsh Thank goodness! 😂
Garett McCabe to LARRY NIETERS
Matthew Graves to Matthew Graves
Michael Aberle to Jim OBrien
Sam, Kelsee & Sloane Wagner to Jeffrey Vance
Basaraba Jackie/Bruce to Jeffrey Vance
Cheryl Page to DJ Hatlestad
Anonymous to Adam Berglund
You go dude
Rod Skytland to DJ Hatlestad
Thanks for doing this DJ! Send me a before and after pic!!!
John Braaten to DJ Hatlestad
Shelly Chadwick to Dennis Budeau
Way to go Dennis! Love this!
Clark Crawford to Jim OBrien
Gretchen Cash to Mike Eggl
Jon&keri Ahneman to Jim OBrien
larry nieters to Timothy Pansegrau
Terry O’Brien to Jim OBrien
Garett McCabe to Jim OBrien
Michelle Budeau to Jett Wald
We are so proud of you buddy! Love you lots!
Wendy Elseth to Kelly Kohler
Proud of you, Kelly!! Great cause!
Dustin Masset to Jim OBrien
Good work buddy!
Brian Wangler to Jim OBrien
Amanda Haux to CHERYL AKER
Nick Battista to Timothy Pansegrau
Erica Kissack to CHERYL AKER
Janet Julson to Timothy Pansegrau
John Westbee to Doug Berglund
Bishop Craig & Wendy Schweitzer to Timothy Pansegrau
Bishop Craig & Wendy Schweitzer to Peder Gulleson
Jodie St A’s to Jim OBrien
Ariel Bibb to Nathan Bro
Ariel Bibb to Jeff Cave
Ariel Bibb to Don Walter
Korena Geiger to Troy Balzer
Great job Troy!!!
Tracey Pruess to Kia Kuhn
Carrie and Bryan Teske to Don Walter
You are amazing! It is such a wonderful thing you are doing! Kaia has a friend who is a little fighter.
Raumi Kudrna to Jim OBrien
Way to go! St. Alexius proud!!
Mark & Janell Anderson to Don Walter
Way to go, Don!
Tracey Pruess to Doug Edwards
Awesome job again this year Doug!
Anonymous to Jeffrey Vance
Trinity Texas Roadhouse to Jim OBrien
Ariel Bibb to Jim OBrien
Andrew Swenson to DJ Hatlestad
Brandon Benz to Dennis Budeau
Jennifer Raum to DJ Hatlestad
Pink is definitely your color!
Molly Buzakovic to Jim OBrien
Vickie Schumacher to Timothy Pansegrau
You are so right Dr. Pensegrau. Paul was brave and strong. I was able to be around him and his family when he did have many surgeries and saw his strength. He always had a project gping. Weather it was building computers, rebuilding old cars and motors or his latest gun project. He took it very serious and it showed. One thing that was also important to him was that he was able to go to Alaska and spend some time with his cousin. The Lord gave him that chance right before his passing. Thank You
Rita Keegan to Timothy Pansegrau
This is such a great way to support these kids and their families. I will submit the match to Thrivent for a total of $500 in honor and memory of my husband Dan.
Cedric Theel Toyota to Jim OBrien
Steven Kraljic to Jim OBrien
Lunette and Todd Sando to Peder Gulleson
Love your new look Peder! Thank you for raising money for the kids!
Todd Hartleben to DJ Hatlestad
Peggy Morris to Abigail (Abi) Barsness
You’re an amazing girl Abi and very dedicated to this wonderful causes!
Kilea Mann to Jim OBrien
This is AWESOME!!
Hal Peterson to Timothy Pansegrau
Thank you Tim for your dedication to Brave the Shave!
Anonymous to DJ Hatlestad
Friends and Family to Kelly Kohler
Mary Richman to Kelly Kohler
Rick Marschner to Abigail (Abi) Barsness
Mary Richman to Kelly Kohler
Kim Thomas to CHERYL AKER
Anonymous to Jim Martin
Nancy Johnson to Don Walter
Kurt Snyder to DJ Hatlestad
Love the hair! Hard decision but cause is worth it
Ryan and Lauren Dunnigan to Matthew Graves
Josh Wiens to DJ Hatlestad
Fae Glass to Beckett Gunderson
Super duper proud Mr. Beckett! Have an awesome day tomorrow! God bless!
Amy Rader to Jim OBrien
Ivar & Melissa Frantsen to Doug Edwards
She is smiling at you....Thanks !
Anonymous to Mike Eggl
Jerry Hatlestad to DJ Hatlestad
Way to go DJ. Can't wait to see the end result. Love you, mom and dad
James & Doris Wald to Dennis Budeau
Love the hair! Thanks for making a difference.
Lila Penner to Jett Wald
Thank you Jetty, you are doing a good thing for good cause 💙
Reed Reyman to Jim OBrien
Good luck
Larry Nieters to LARRY NIETERS
Cindy Thompson to Abigail (Abi) Barsness
Don Davidson to Doug Edwards
Tully Bulldog Braaten to Don Walter
We’re all gonna miss that sweet ‘do when it’s gone! Go Don!
Bonnie Lahr to Don Walter
Emmett Bulldog Braaten to Jeffrey Vance
Go Jeff!
Anonymous to LARRY NIETERS
Jen Pruess to Tracey Pruess
Anonymous to DJ Hatlestad
Bob and Neva Kordonowy to Peder Gulleson
Tim Bopp to Jim OBrien
Nikki Schauer to Jim OBrien
Way to go Jim!
Greg & Becky Edwards to Doug Edwards
Brian Richard to Don Walter
Ashlee Bonagofsky to Kia Kuhn
Jason & Patty Davidson to Doug Edwards
Ken Rutter to Mike Eggl
Jeremy Barth to Don Walter
Jeremy Barth to Doug Edwards
Anonymous to Tracey Pruess
Hope this helps. Your so awesome friend!
Carol Cornelius to Doug Edwards
Barb Heim to Doug Edwards
Jodi & Mike Aubol to Doug Edwards
lynn wentz to Troy Balzer
Anonymous to Jeffrey Vance
Atta boy Jeff!
Michelle Lingle to Don Walter
Lisa Ham to Abigail (Abi) Barsness
Terri Anderson to Peder Gulleson
Thank you for volunteering!
Whitney Benter to Doug Edwards
You got this Bugbee !!!
Sonya Hansana to Doug Edwards
Thanks for doing this again, Doug!
Blanchard Family to DJ Hatlestad
Brook & Courtney Maier to Jim OBrien
Pat Giese to Don Walter
Thank You for doing This!!
Anonymous to Jim OBrien
Bree Walth to Jett Wald
Proud of you Jetty!!
Anonymous to Don Walter
Doug Edwards to Tracey Pruess
Doug Edwards to Nikki Malmedal
Doug Edwards to Kia Kuhn
Thanks Kia 🙂
jim lennington to Don Morrison
JP Holmes to Don Morrison
Danielle Smith to Jett Wald
Great job jetty!! We are so proud of you
Anonymous to Jeffrey Vance
Way to go Jeff-what a great cause!
Tami & Kimber Flemmer to Timothy Pansegrau
Thank you, Dr. Pansegrau for taking such good care of our nephew, Paul. He was special, even though his life was cut way too short. Now we just wait to meet him again soon!!
jo vilhauer to LARRY NIETERS
Doug and Barb Berglund to Adam Berglund
Chad Carlson to Jim OBrien
Nice work.
Stephanie Torgerson to Kia Kuhn
Nice job Kia
Troy Pierce to Jim OBrien
Brian and De Bergeson to Mike Eggl
Kristen Renner to Jim OBrien
Your number one fan!❤️
Kia Kuhn to Kia Kuhn
Keith and Heidi Horner to Jim OBrien
Emily Bigger to Jim OBrien
Lilly The dog to Jim OBrien
Can’t wait for you to come home without the weird hair. It scares me.
Anonymous to Jim OBrien
Steve Foster to Dennis Budeau
Vicki Schmidt to Doug Edwards
Anonymous to Spencer Redding
Hey, neighbor, I’m anxious to eye the results!
Jay & Heather Bauer to Jim OBrien
Jen Weekes to Jett Wald
Judy Bowers to Jim OBrien
Alexander Huber to Ben Suchy
J'Patrick Fahn to Jim OBrien
This donation requires that you keep the pink hair and lightning bolts!
LaRissa McDaniel to Matthew Graves
"Because that's what heroes do."
Amber Joyce to Dennis Budeau
Amber Joyce to Jett Wald
Proud of you Jett!!
Larry Fuller to Peder Gulleson
Mike & Amy Gross to Mike Eggl
Thanks for all you do for children and their families, Mike!
Kris Todd-Reisnour to Don Walter
Shane Splonskowski to Jim OBrien
Lori Gustafson to Kelly Kohler
Debbie Rule to Codey Rule
Way to go Codey!
Anonymous to Jim OBrien
Shayna Griffiths to Jim OBrien
Marie Brown to Jim OBrien
Desiree Krueger to Jett Wald
Awesome job buddy! 💙
Tess BWW to Jim OBrien
Jenna Houge to Nathan Bro
Jenna Houge to Jeff Cave
Jenna Houge to Jeffrey Vance
Anthony and Katie Johnson to DJ Hatlestad
Lance Gaebe to Peder Gulleson
Lance Gaebe to Abigail (Abi) Barsness
Lori Lee to Spencer Redding
Yay for you Spencer, and all the others who braved the shave❣️
Kari Lyon to Abigail (Abi) Barsness
Great job at stepping up!
Anonymous to DJ Hatlestad
Anonymous to Dennis Budeau
Amber Steiner to DJ Hatlestad
Brady Ness to Jim OBrien
Chuck & Karen D;''''';;;;;;;;;;ahl to Jim OBrien
Sara Bashus to DJ Hatlestad
Allen Shafer to LARRY NIETERS
Anonymous to Jim OBrien
Brianna Fleck to Jim OBrien
Jeff Sparrow to Jim OBrien
That a boy!!
Dave Krabbenhoft to Dennis Budeau
Beer and Hymns Group 2023 to Peder Gulleson
Anonymous to Jim OBrien
Evan & Sawyer Senst to Jim OBrien
Gretchen Masset to Jim OBrien
Lisa Murry to Timothy Pansegrau
Kelly Suchy to Ben Suchy
I sure love your heart for helping others!
Kyle Hurt to Jim OBrien
Sarah Meusburger to Tracy Vearrier
Benjamin Larson to Jim OBrien
Coach Andy to Matthew Graves
So cool that you do this Matt!! Truly an inspiration, keep crushing it
Jodey Houn to Jim OBrien
Gene Griffin to Mike Eggl
Thomas Dickson to Jim OBrien
Jamie Wicks to Clint Bergstrom
Ben Imdieke to Jim OBrien
Go get em
Debbie Bachmeier to Doug Edwards
Thanks Doug for supporting a great cause!
Reza Kamranian to Ben Suchy
Mike & Helen Risan to Mike Eggl
Cory Knutson to Jim OBrien
Melanie Carvell to DJ Hatlestad
Thanks for raising money for this great cause!
Kevin Dykema to Jim OBrien
Christian Helgeson to Peder Gulleson
Paul Wilson to Ben Suchy
Sorry this took so long. Tardiness and procrastination is one of my worst but most used traits. Shave it Ben!
Michael and Blair Lindsey to Jim OBrien
Deb Cave to Jeff Cave
William Hineman to Doug Berglund
Thanks Doug
Wiliam Hineman to Adam Berglund
You the Man👍🏻
Donna Becker to Mike Eggl
Candace Miller to Dennis Budeau
Kudos to you Dennis!
Vicky :) to Jim OBrien
Justin Vinje to Jim OBrien
Don Walter to Jeff Cave
Looking good Jeff!
Don Walter to Nathan Bro
Looking great Nate!
Don Walter to Doug Edwards
Looking great Doug
Don Walter to Matthew Graves
Thanks Matthew!
Suzanne Witkowski to Kelly Kohler
Don Walter to Jeffrey Vance
Thanks Jeff
Jon Arenz to Dennis Budeau
From a former Brave the Shave family, thank you!
Paul Engelhard to Jim OBrien
Niles Hushka to Mike Eggl
Ron Rebenitsch to Mike Eggl
Jessica Meier to Jeff Cave
Mary Seidel to Nikki Malmedal
Ron and Linda Hamers to Nikki Malmedal
Joe Binegar to Mike Eggl
Dave Draovitch to DJ Hatlestad
Robert Hamers to Nikki Malmedal
Jessica Meier to Nikki Malmedal
Bob Norland to LARRY NIETERS
Brandy Urlacher to Nikki Malmedal
Austin Carson to Tom Reuer
Nancy Harris to Dennis Budeau
Kory Hammerbeck to Mike Eggl
Nicole DeKrey to Mike Eggl
heidi heitkamp to Mike Eggl
Keep up the great work, Mike and everyone
Eric Washburn to Mike Eggl
Wally and Cyndi Goulet to Mike Eggl
Dewey & Wanda Oster to Jim OBrien
Jessica Faydo to Dillon Flurer
David Reich to DJ Hatlestad
Barbara Murry to Peder Gulleson
KentAnnette Loken to DJ Hatlestad
DJ You may have to wear a name tag so we know who you are!! Great cause. Way to go!
Dewey Schlittenhard to Dewey Schlittenhard
Scott and Kristie Becker to Mike Eggl
Jay Erickson to Tracy Vearrier
Looking good Tracy!
Doyle Roeder to DJ Hatlestad
Awesome can’t wait to see the shave
troy russon to Jeff Cave
Go Jeff!
troy russon to Don Walter
Way to go Don! Looks ... nice!
troy russon to Timothy Pansegrau
way to go Tim!
Dean & Tara Haberlock to Timothy Pansegrau
Bruce Birkeland to Peder Gulleson
James Ryan to Timothy Pansegrau
Blair & Doreen Bechtle to Timothy Pansegrau
In memory of Paul and all of the others who are fighting the fight.
Duane & Marjo Brenneise to Jim OBrien
Boni Lenihan to Kelly Kohler
Linnae Brew to Peder Gulleson
David Strauss to DJ Hatlestad
Lynn Hunter to Jett Wald
Dave & Kathy Kleppe to Peder Gulleson
Travis & Tricia Henke to DJ Hatlestad
Kevin Duffy to Abigail (Abi) Barsness
Way to Go Abi - My Daughter Just Donated 13" for a great cause as well.
Stephanie Torgerson to Matthew Graves
Stephanie Torgerson to Doug Edwards
Stephanie Torgerson to Nikki Malmedal
Aunt Kathy to Abigail (Abi) Barsness
I'm super proud of you, Abi!!
Zach and Abby Meyer to Matthew Graves
Dustin Kulseth to Timothy Pansegrau
Anonymous to jocelyn gienger
Lynn Wicks to Clint Bergstrom
Anonymous to Dillon Flurer
Melissa Lysne to Abigail (Abi) Barsness
Way to go Abi, love the colorful hair!!!
Kellie Erhardt to Peder Gulleson
Anonymous to Jett Wald
Great job Jett!
McKayla Kahler to Abigail (Abi) Barsness
chuck gullicks to Peder Gulleson
Tracy Voegele to Adam Berglund
Thanks for being part of this wonderful cause!
Scott Teitelbaum to DJ Hatlestad
Heidi Engel to Jett Wald
John & Cathy VanMiddlesworth to Timothy Pansegrau
Eric Kempel to Timothy Pansegrau
Norma Caudle to Jett Wald
Marsha Smith to Jett Wald
So proud of you Jett. You make my heart happy.
Kevin Marschner to Abigail (Abi) Barsness
Meidinger Family to Peder Gulleson
Anonymous to Dennis Budeau
Melissa & Cameron Cook to Jett Wald
Way to go Jett! You’re an amazing and kind young man!
Sheri Buntrock to Jett Wald
Marla Stegman to Jett Wald
Megan Kessler to Matthew Graves
James Wedell to Jett Wald
This is a great cause. Keep up the good work, Jett!
Christie Moszer to Jett Wald
James & Doris Wald to Jett Wald
Jett - grma & grpa are very proud of you for helping kids with cancer. You are blessed with a good heart and soul. We love you buddy.
Kim Fausset to CHERYL AKER
Thank You Cheryl
Jen Bonogofsky to Nikki Malmedal
Amazing! Thank you for supporting to kids!
Reid Trisko to Doug Edwards
Looking good Dougy!
Kim Gross to Dennis Budeau
Kim Gross to Jett Wald
Mary Vinje-Shenk to Jim OBrien
Mary Riedy Hickerson to Dillon Flurer
Brenda Davenport-Budeau to Jett Wald
You are Awesome Jetty! We are proud of you kiddo.
Brenda Davenport-Budeau to Dennis Budeau
Looking good. Thank you for doing this!
Kim Ledger to Timothy Pansegrau
Kim Ledger to Peder Gulleson
Kim Ledger to Nikki Malmedal
Anonymous to Nikki Malmedal
What a great thing you are doing!
Kim Ledger to Doug Edwards
Quam Family to DJ Hatlestad
Love this! One of my favorite times of year 💪💙
Anonymous to DJ Hatlestad
Emily Carson to Tom Reuer
Cindy Thompson to Nikki Malmedal
Bonnie Budeau to Dennis Budeau
Bonnie Budeau to Jett Wald
Josh Riedy to Dillon Flurer
Happy to support the cause!
Drew Flurer to Dillon Flurer
Ryan Braun to Ben Suchy
Debra Weeks to LARRY NIETERS
David Suko to Dennis Budeau
Jean Riedy to Dillon Flurer
Carol Petersen to Dillon Flurer
Jamie Hawk to Matthew Graves
Nicole Renner to Dillon Flurer
Tom Peterson to DJ Hatlestad
Thanks for doing this. Looking forward to seeing you at the lake this summer. Tom and Cindy
Jamie Hawk to Doug Edwards
Jamie Hawk to Jeff Cave
Amanda Dahl to DJ Hatlestad
I think you should keep the color into this summer too!
Jodi Wos to Adam Berglund
Thank you Adam!!
Jim and Sharon Hardwick to Abigail (Abi) Barsness
Incredible gesture and selfless gift, Abi! Great job!
Anonymous to Don Walter
Looks good! It’s a shame you get to cut it off so soon.
Lana & Marlin Moser to Abigail (Abi) Barsness
Great fundraiser to be a part of Abi!!
Anonymous to Timothy Pansegrau
Such a great cause! Thanks for leading a team every year!!
Carmen Dargis to Doug Edwards
Pula & Nala Pugs Suchy Dopson to Ben Suchy
Robin Bowlinger to Doug Edwards
Ryan Messer to DJ Hatlestad
Richard Ruud to Abigail (Abi) Barsness
Tracy Carson to Tom Reuer
Tim Reuer to Tom Reuer
Carmen Dargis to Don Walter
Duck Hunter to Don Walter
Mallard Duck look didn’t turn out so we gotta solve the problem.
Miles & Jolene Cahoon to Don Walter
Cassie Busch to CHERYL AKER
Anonymous to Don Walter
Nelson Dale & Sheila to LARRY NIETERS
Dave Walter to Don Walter
Nice hair bro!!
Kathy Suchy Richards to Ben Suchy
Thank you for doing this to help others.
Fettig Family to Peder Gulleson
Thanks for all you do at church!
Sherry Fettig to Timothy Pansegrau
In memory of my mom that we lost to cancer last year. She fought for a long time and we miss her.
Avis Frantsen to Doug Edwards
Looking good Doug and for a very good cause!
Jon Lasater to Don Walter
Good job Don! Thank you
Andrew and Melissa Hetland to Jim OBrien
Scott and Tammy Bulman to Tom Reuer
Tiffany Stoltz to Don Walter
Doug & Patty Edwards to Doug Edwards
Thanks for supporting this great cause!!
Bailee Bulman to Tom Reuer
Kari Zottnick to Matthew Graves
Jay Dollinger to Don Walter
Anonymous to Don Walter
Green is definitely your color, Don!! ;)
Jo Weisbeck to CHERYL AKER
Alanda Small to Timothy Pansegrau
Candace Miller to Jett Wald
Thank you for doing this Jetty...I'm proud of you!
Jamie Hawk to Nikki Malmedal
Jamie Hawk to Nathan Bro
Jamie Hawk to Jeffrey Vance
Jamie Hawk to Don Walter
Beth Ripplinger to Jett Wald
What an Awesome gift Jett !!!
Brandt Wolf to Ben Suchy
Jessica Burkett to Tom Reuer
Anonymous to DJ Hatlestad
Doug Remboldt to Jeff Cave
Anonymous to Jeff Cave
Anonymous to Ben Suchy
Anonymous to Jeff Cave
Cherry Honrath to Tom Reuer
Jessica Meier to Don Walter
Tammy Reinhardt to Kelly Kohler
Jeff Cave to Jeff Cave
Anonymous to Timothy Pansegrau
love the color!
Steve McGregor to Timothy Pansegrau
nice hair!
Jessie Wright to Jett Wald
What an awesome thing to do, Jett!
Sherry Kleingartner to Dennis Budeau
Way to go Dennis!
Jessica Meier to Tracey Pruess
Jessica Meier to Doug Edwards
Jessica Meier to Matthew Graves
Tayte Bender to Jett Wald
BranDee Leier to Beckett Gunderson
Jeffery Forbes to Ben Suchy
Lalala 🦁💜
mindy becker to Jett Wald
Awesome job Jett
Brekka Schultz to Jett Wald
Lori Graves to Matthew Graves
Barb Karwowski to CHERYL AKER
Rides Auto Sales to Jett Wald
Anonymous to Doug Edwards
Thank you, Doug, for helping to advance such a worthy cause.
Anonymous to CHERYL AKER
Nedra Bergquist to CHERYL AKER
Purple is your color🙂. You are awesome❤️!
Laura Kraft to Matthew Graves
Anonymous to Dennis Budeau
Shannon Auch to CHERYL AKER
You are awesome, Cheryl! We need more people out there like you!
Jaylah and Crew Chewakin to Jett Wald
Proud of you Jett!
Alicia Ohlhauser to Beckett Gunderson
Way to go Beckett!
Selena Van Hout to Tracy Vearrier
Thank you Tracy for continuing to support this awesome cause! You’re awesome!
Missy Hasselstrom to Ben Suchy
Stefanie Wald to Jett Wald
Auntie is so proud of you Jetty!
Benjamin Fliginger to Jim OBrien
Doug and Kari Edwards to Doug Edwards
Elizabeth Nelson to Doug Edwards
This is a good look for you, Doug. 😘
Kate Beehler to Tracey Pruess
Amy Wilhelm to Abigail (Abi) Barsness
Amy Wilhelm to Doug Edwards
Dana Schoo to Abigail (Abi) Barsness
Great fundraiser to be involved in Abi!!
Danny Gunderson to Beckett Gunderson
ANN Long to Tracy Vearrier
Mark Anderson to Abigail (Abi) Barsness
Thank you for participating in Brave the Shave! It’s a great cause.
Candice Crichlow to Tracy Vearrier
Darcy Ehli to Tracy Vearrier
Jennifer Jablonski to Tom Reuer
Cool Hair to Peder Gulleson
Anybody with guts to walk around with this hair color deserves $$$!! Go get ‘em Peder!
Travis Joritz to Jim OBrien
Well done Jim!
Anonymous to Abigail (Abi) Barsness
Nancy Henke to DJ Hatlestad
Alan Stieg to Don Walter
Vicky Barsness to Abigail (Abi) Barsness
So proud of you Abi!!
Mischa Vernlund to Nikki Malmedal
Fehr Family to Peder Gulleson
Anonymous to DJ Hatlestad
Stephanie Torgerson to Tracey Pruess
Kristin Meidinger to DJ Hatlestad
Woohoo!! Very cool you are doing this!!
Justin Reisenauer to DJ Hatlestad
Good luck! Looking forward to the colored hair! Thanks for supporting a great cause.
Mark Detwiller to DJ Hatlestad
Mark Detwiller to Dillon Flurer
Elaine Balzer to Troy Balzer
My son is awesome for doing this.
Berg Family to Peder Gulleson
Mike and Erin Keller to Don Walter
Can’t wait to see the hairdo!!
Chelsey Schneider to Timothy Pansegrau
Anonymous to Peder Gulleson
David Riedy to Dillon Flurer
Pennie Hatlestad to DJ Hatlestad
Tom & Yvonne Kandt to Jett Wald
Way too go Jett, we love your willingness to help other children!!
Zach and Ashley Hoerner to Jim OBrien
Jody Schumacher to Timothy Pansegrau
I miss Paul beyond what words can describe… the pain and suffering that sin causes affects all of us in one way or another, one of the cruelest is how it can slowly take the health and life away from loved ones. I’m grateful that God has promised that in the end good will triumph over evil and with Christ there is no death. I am grateful for the opportunity to give back and help other families who have loved ones experiencing cancer. Thank you Dr. Pansegrau for all you did for Paul and others
Anonymous to Kylie Baxter
Randy Smid to Randy Smid
Anonymous to Jim OBrien
Good Luck!
Darla Bakko to Jett Wald
Proud of you Jett.
Beckham Goetz to Jett Wald
Penny Wilson to Ben Suchy
Spencer Redding to Don Morrison
Thanks for joining the team!!!
Spencer Redding to Tracy Vearrier
Moptastic Extravaganzic Hairy Conickic
Linda Suchy to Ben Suchy
Tina Kenninger to Beckett Gunderson
Anonymous to Tracy Vearrier
Joel and Karen Vance to Jeffrey Vance
You are such an asset to your department…. Thanks for all you do… day in and day out!! We are so very proud of you!!!
Sandy Fleck to Tracey Pruess
Eleno Vallejo to Spencer Redding
I’m keeping my hair this year (what is left) and I am also keeping Tim’s five spot! Let’s go Peeps! Good work ya all
Valerie/Allan Thoennes to Don Walter
Thank you Don!
Cindy Thompson to Timothy Pansegrau
Cindy Thompson to Doug Edwards
Cindy Thompson to Doug Berglund
Cindy Thompson to Tracey Pruess
Ross Lagasse to Ben Suchy
Reza Kamranian to Spencer Redding
Julie Barth to Ben Suchy
What a good cause!!
Brittany Fleck to Tracey Pruess
Nicholas Bradbury to Ben Suchy
Thanks for the enthusiasm!
Emily Yanish to Ben Suchy
Renae Kistler to Tracey Pruess
Kristin Hill to Ben Suchy
Anonymous to Don Walter
It’s so great what your doing Don! Good Luck!
Sherry L Kleingartner to Jett Wald
So proud of you Jetty!
Zachary and Chelsea Flurer to Dillon Flurer
Let’s chop up that salad!
Anonymous to Don Walter
Good luck to your team!!
Robert Flurer to Dillon Flurer
amy waelhof to CHERYL AKER
you go girl
Alecia Fedorenko to Spencer Redding
Yvonne Kahler to Timothy Pansegrau
Paul was my nephew!❣️What a sweet guy! What a fighter to the end! What an example on how to never give up! What a follower of Jesus! Soon and very soon I plan to meet Paul again with a new perfect body! 😊
Kara Richards to CHERYL AKER
You're the best!
Anonymous to Don Walter
Great cause Don! Thanks for making a difference!
Brad/Cammy Erickson to Jeffrey Vance
Thanks for all you do!!
Tara Huss-redding to Spencer Redding
Barb Voegele to CHERYL AKER
Thank you Cheryl!!! For all the beautiful children and their families out there battling cancer
Michele Paul to CHERYL AKER
Thanks for participating all these years Cheryl! ☺️
Kirk Dewey to Ben Suchy
Spencer Redding to Spencer Redding
This feels good.
Spencer Redding to Ben Suchy
See you soon brother.
Spencer Redding to Timothy Pansegrau
Thank you for putting this together every year. It's an honor to help again this year!
Anonymous to Spencer Redding
Beth Lipp to Ben Suchy
Stephen Murray to Ben Suchy
Kate Hanlon to Ben Suchy
Nolyn Falcon to Ben Suchy
Ben Suchy to Ben Suchy
Let’s get this party started!
Judy & Dale Nabben to Timothy Pansegrau
In appreciation for you and all the Sanford staff
Sheila Suess to Doug Edwards
Paul Nelson to Timothy Pansegrau
Thanks for friendship and support of these kids for so many years
Taylor Lee to Timothy Pansegrau
Albert, Coreen & family Schumacher to Timothy Pansegrau
We treasure every fun, sweet memory of you as a tiny tot, a curious, inquisitive little boy, a rambunctious, entrepreneur teen, and as a brave, kind, compassionate, caring young man!!! We miss you like crazy!!! But have the blessed hope that we’ll see you again and will have eternity to love on you!!! Praying that this small token of our love will make a difference to some cancer stricken family. ❤️😊🙏🏼😔 Love to all families being devastated by cancer, Albert, Coreen, Tabitha, Mindy, Jody, J
Albert & Coreen Schumacher to Timothy Pansegrau
We miss you so much Paul!! Jesus is coming very soon, we and your sisters are sooooo looking forward to that grand reunion day when the clouds will roll back and Jesus will descend from heaven with His angels and the graves will be opened!!! What a day that will be!! What a blessing it was to have you as our precious son for 23 1/2 years!! ❤️👍🏼🙏🏼😊
John & Deb Merkel to Timothy Pansegrau
In honor of Paul who is missed greatly and was a special young man. Thank you for being such a great friend to Paul and his family. Friends of the Schumacher's. John & Deb
JB & Lisa Budeau to Jett Wald
Kristy Murphy to Jett Wald
Shelly Chadwick to Jett Wald
So proud of you buddy! Love you!!!
Angie Thomas to Jett Wald
Fahoodled car dinner Lehr to Timothy Pansegrau
Awesome, Paul would be proud to see his legacy won this town, Lehr
Matt Nelson to Tom Reuer
Go get em Tommy!
Fahoodled car Dinner Lehr to Timothy Pansegrau
What great event!❤️❤️🙏🙏
Shana Williams to Jim OBrien
Doug Renton to Timothy Pansegrau
Connie Lerew to Kelly Kohler
Carter Korkowski to Troy Balzer
You’re the best papa!
Elliot Korkowski to Troy Balzer
Love you papa!
Corey Hintz to Jim OBrien
Mitch and Kate Vig to Jim OBrien
Kerry Schafer to Jim OBrien
Good luck Jim!!
Kerry Oberlander to Jim OBrien
Ryan Kopseng to Jim OBrien
Jewel Tenneson to Jim OBrien
Love this, Jim….Good luck!
Thomas OBrien to Jim OBrien
Sara Wiedrich to Jim OBrien
Stephanie Kopseng to Jim OBrien
Kathy O'Brien to Jim OBrien
Great job!
Karen OBrien to Jim OBrien
Good luck!!!
Bridget Welch to Troy Balzer
John Giese to Timothy Pansegrau
Angela Ross to Troy Balzer
I totally admire you doing this every year!!
Niles Hushka to Mike Eggl
Good Luck Mike
Anonymous to Doug Berglund
Timothy Pansegrau to Timothy Pansegrau
Paul you were an inspiration to all who know you. I MISS YOU! We will meet again and take my dogs hunting.