Ladies and gentleman, boys and girls, friends and family of all ages, the fight against cancer goes on! There is no one I know who can say they DO NOT have a friend or
relative who has battled this terrible illness.
Once again, I have found a way I can help fight this disease - through participating in Brave The Shave.
I am dedicating my time and hair this year to all those young men and women I know and do not know, who have cancer right now or have lost the
Brave The Shave builds awareness of this dreaded disease and makes a difference in helping find a cure for childhood cancer here and now.
My goal is to raise as much as I can to help fight cancer and provide support in finding a cure. I am asking for your support. Your tax deductible contribution will help our local Bismarck community and step up the fight against cancer.
Please consider donating to this most noble cause.
Lets Kick Cancer!!