Tri-Ball Bismarck ND for "Brave the Shave" for childhood cancer
Join us in the Bismarck area for grass Tri-Ball, “The fastest 3-way you’ll ever try!”
We’ll set up at Clem Kelly Athletic Complex, 517 W Arbor Ave, on the soccer field
Check in by 8:30 am Bismarck time. We can take a maximum of 30 teams of coed 3’s.
Team entry fee is $90 per team. We pay out in prizes and 2021 National Tri-Ball Tour t-shirts! RSVP yes and register one of 2 ways.
We will build teams from solo players!
If you have never played Tri-Ball, take a look at our rules at: and you can watch videos on our FB page, Tri-Ball, or on Youtube, watch “This is Tri-Ball”.
Please bring plenty of water, snacks, lunch, sunscreen, hats, sunglasses, canopies and chairs.
Every team plays 9 games in this fast paced game. You will be exhausted afterward! Tournament should only take 6 hours to complete. So get your teams confirmed, entered and paid so you can come play with us and raise funds for Brave the Shave for childhood cancer!