Cooper Peterson was diagnosed with Neurofibromatosis type 1 on February 26th, 2015, just a couple days shy of 11 months old. Neurofibromatosis type 1 is a condition characterized by changes in skin coloring (pigmentation) and the growth of tumors along nerves in the skin, brain, and other parts of the body. At that time he was also diagnosed with a brain tumor, more specifically a bilateral Optic Glioma – a tumor that grows on the optic nerves. Due to the aggressiveness of this tumor, Cooper was immediately started on chemotherapy. Within about six weeks of starting chemotherapy, Cooper lost his vision to the tumor. He is completely blind. After nine months of chemotherapy, Cooper’s tumor had grown substantially and was causing fluid to build up in his brain (hydrocephalus). . A biopsy of his tumor at that time showed it to be a Diffuse Fibrillary Astrocytoma. Neither surgery nor radiation are an option for treatment of this tumor. Currently Cooper is ten years old. He is on a daily chemotherapy regimen and has three out of four ventricles in his brain shunted. Cancer and Neurofibromatosis has greatly affected his life and ours, but Cooper is not letting blindness or cancer get into his way. He greets the day with a smile on his face and a song in his heart.
Brave the Shave has been there every step of the way supporting and encouraging us. Whether it has been helping out with travel costs and hotels while were in Minneapolis and Fargo for appointments or just a phone call to find out how were doing. The research side of this organization, the Andrew B McDonough B+ Foundation has been funding cutting edge research specifically for pediatric cancer.
Please help out Cooper’s Crew in supporting this great cause. You support us by your kind and generous donations or joining our team and braving the shave!
Recent Donations
Pat Allardto Al Peterson
Ron Brandtto Al Peterson
Gene Masseto Al Peterson
John Hendricksonto Al Peterson
Bud Reinerto Al Peterson
Brach Johnsonto Al Peterson
Zone 5 Lions Meetingto Al Peterson
Scott Resslerto Al Peterson
Storie & Buster to Doug and Ethan Nickels
Gretchen Shivelyto Al Peterson
Anonymousto Doug and Ethan Nickels
Sarah & Bob Fulkersonto Doug and Ethan Nickels
Jeri Sakrismoto Al Peterson
Megan Hartsochto Al Peterson
Lisa Rhodesto Al Peterson
Rebecca Busbyto Al Peterson
Jason, ciara, leah and george Kirschenheiterto Doug and Ethan Nickels
We are so proud of you Ethan for helping with this charity
Anonymousto Chad & Jayden Leingang
Rudolph Diane & Craigto Doug and Ethan Nickels
Gus Lindgrento Al Peterson
Cheryl Milanito Doug and Ethan Nickels
PA mom
Lindsay Coursonto Doug and Ethan Nickels
PAM 🫶🏻good job Ethan caring for others
Dan & Jeanette Leingangto Chad & Jayden Leingang
Amy Remboldtto Chad & Jayden Leingang
Kari Nehlsto Al Peterson
Proud to support Cooper and his family!
Nicole Leingangto Chad & Jayden Leingang
Alicia Hegland-Thorpeto Doug and Ethan Nickels
Faye Schiwalto Doug and Ethan Nickels
So very proud of you Ethan,
Roxy Williamsto Al Peterson
Keep on going strong Cooper!
Amy Lenoskyto Al Peterson
The Lenosky's love you Cooper!
Bud Reinerto Al Peterson
Shawn Stettnerto Al Peterson
Cooper's Crew is my favorite team! Best of luck to everyone on this team.
Amanda Croegaertto Chad & Jayden Leingang
Oma-Opa Kirschenheiterto Doug and Ethan Nickels
Nice work on helping this charity!
Sarah & Nick Lombardoto Al Peterson
Patty Schockto Chad & Jayden Leingang
Great cause!
Brad Kirschenheiterto Doug and Ethan Nickels
Nice mullet
Debra Brusseauto Chad & Jayden Leingang
Dalton Brusseauto Chad & Jayden Leingang
Jenna Nickelsto Doug and Ethan Nickels
So proud of you Ethan!! I hope you can reach your goal.